Privacy Polic

Protection of personal data privacy
(Art. 13 D.Lgs. 30 Giugno 2003, n.196)

The company Dalpasso srl in Reggio Emilia informs that personal data, provided through the completion of the ‘personal data’ form or in any other way, are subject to processing according to Legislative Decree 196/2003. These data remain available to the consumer for verification, modification, or deletion, and for the exercise of any other rights provided by articles 7, 8, and 9 of Legislative Decree 30 June 2003, no. 196. The data are entered into a customer registry at the time of the first order or registration.

Regarding these data, Dalpasso srl communicates the following:

  • The collection and processing of consumer data are necessary if the consumer wants to place an order for products or access specific services (in this case, refusal by the consumer would make order fulfillment or service access impossible), while it is optional in all other cases.
  • Consumer data will be processed in written form and on electronic, telematic, magnetic, and paper support. Their processing will occur in relation to contractual needs, including payment, order fulfillment, and delivery of ordered products, to comply with legal obligations or orders from authorities, and, upon explicit authorization, for interactive commercial information and promotional purposes and market research.
  • Consumer data may be communicated to employees of Dalpasso Srl.
  • Consumer data will not be disclosed or communicated to third parties not employed by Dalpasso srl, except to necessary or functional subjects for the contractual activities of Dalpasso srl:
    • Banking institutions for payment management.
    • Shippers for transporting the purchased products to the location indicated by the consumer.
    • Third parties providing activities and services necessary for the execution of services that the consumer has requested or authorized Dalpasso srl to perform.”
    • Unless otherwise specified, consumer data will be communicated to the person to whom the consumer has decided to send one or more products purchased through Dalpasso srl. This communication is appropriate to avoid suspicion in the recipient of an anonymous package.
    • The data controller and data processor is Dalpasso srl, located at Via G. Carducci 2, 42121 Reggio Emilia, Tel: +39(0522)439731. Registered with the Companies Register of Reggio Emilia under number 01912850359, REA number RE-234458, Chamber of Commerce Reggio Emilia.

Use of Cookies

For all information about our Cookie Policy, click here.

During navigation, text strings called cookies may be stored on the user’s PC or browser. These cookies collect information capable of identifying the PC or browser. Cookies are encoded text strings that are stored by a website on the user’s computer to allow for subsequent identification. These files enable customization of a website, provide users with smoother navigation, and, through quantitative analysis of access to various web pages, improve the presentation of frequently requested information. Additionally, cookies could be used to store login data and automatically recognize the user (thus eliminating the need for manual entry of username and password).

Users can always request cookie deactivation by modifying their browser settings, but this deactivation may slow down or prevent access to certain parts of the site. Cookies are essential for using the site and its services, including product purchases. If cookies are disabled, Dalpasso srl cannot guarantee the storage and display of products selected by the user during online purchasing processes, nor the addition of one or more items to the cart.